Thursday, October 9, 2008

Blog Subject and Goals


First and foremost, let me talk about the origins and subject of this blog. At first, I intended to blog solely on the topic of self-improvement - how to become a better person through self critiquing. However, I realized that restricting myself to just one area doesn't fit my personality nor does it seem like something that would remain fulfilling. While I do want to help my readers better themselves, I also want to give them resources, news, and tools that can aid them. I also want to entertain my audience with posts ranging from interesting news articles to humorous findings to occasional muses. With further thinking, I decided to expand the subject area of the blog to anything I deem useful to you, my audience.

In essence, this blog is going to be a combination of the blogs that I frequent: LifehackerProblogger, and The 4HWW, with a bit of Zen Habits, and even a touch of The Consumerist. I’m also going to write about some of my own interests and hobbies including fitness and music. My blog is going to be a hybrid of hacks to help with your daily life.

To close, I want to inform you that this post initiates a 30-day trial, with the goal of writing at least one quality post every other day. Additionally, I hope to be informative and helpful in each post, and eventually leave a great enough impact on my audience to have them coming back for more.

Post-Script: I’m currently working on the theme and format of the blog. Any comments on the content of my posts or the visual appeal of my site is appreciated.


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