Monday, October 27, 2008

Political Hack - Three Resources for the Undecided

Tomorrow starts the one week countdown until the election and Obama is ahead in the polls with a sizeable lead. Still, the majority of political analysts argue that McCain has a chance on November 4th. Due to reasons ranging from a large number of undecided voters to the Tom Bradley effect, the current polls mean very little. 
In the case that you are one of these undecided voters, here are a few links to helpful and interesting voting hacks, along with an informative article on the topic of the health care plans of each candidate.
  • Google US Voter Info: Using this special application of google maps, you can check the voting sites nearest you. It shows not only their locations, but each site's distance from your home or work address. Finally, after choosing your polling station, you can easily search and print step by step directions.
  • Political Streams: Apparently, the ATF just uncovered an assassination plot which targeted Barack Obama, as well as several other african-american political figures. Shocking and sickening, I only uncovered this information because of a site called Poltical Streams. The service is made available by Microsoft Live Labs, keeping tabs on breaking political news in four major categories. It tracks news, blogs, people, and places attention, delivering them in an easy to read interface and with nifty markers indicating popularity and "freshness".
  • Health Care Comparison: An increasingly important topic in this election - which was scantly covered in the televised debates - is that of healthcare. It is ultimately a government sector which will have large, lasting reprocutions on all US citizens. Therefore, take the initiative and become educated on the promised health plans of each candidate. 
Remember to check the previous political hacks as well, as they will help in you decision making process.

Post-Script: How are you voting? Absentee? Early? Standard? Etc...

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